We offer safe, biocompatible porcelain/ceramic crowns. dental bridge treatment in garden city mi.
Your crown is expertly crafted for your smile by our Lab right here in Michigan
With proper oral care, your crown will last for many years.
Our tooth-colored crowns keep your smile looking natural, beautiful and functional
Thanks to advancements in technology and materials, getting a dental crown is easy:
In these cases, the crown gives the tooth extra support and strength to continue functioning. It’s usually preferable to preserve as much of the natural tooth as possible, rather than to extract it. dental bridge treatment in garden city mi.
Crowns are also used in some cosmetic cases, for example to cover a discolored or misshapen tooth that isn’t suitable for a veneer.
Finally, if you are missing any teeth then you might get a dental bridge or a dental implant. A bridge utilizes crowns to hold one or two false teeth in place where the gap is. With an implant, a metal rod is placed in the jaw bone and this supports a tooth crown.
—Jacob Jones
—Jason Sych
— Nick Lefere
—Bill Woodbeck